Developmental Trauma

A lot of new research in neuroscience and psychology have emerged in the last two decades that have allowed us to have much better understanding on what contributes to our health and fulfilment.
How many of us expect life to be a struggle and are disconnected because we developed our template for life with caretakers who were in survival mode/ had no capacity to be present and meet our needs?
What sacrifice have we tolerated in the name of “progress”? And for whom? In this article we discuss breaking the collective trauma from our generation. Creating a new normal based on empathy and selflove. Prioritizing self-healing and evolving.

  1. The new-born not only requires physical needs met to survive and thrive, but they also absolutely require connection and sense of safety through touch. Their nervous system requires their primary caretakers’ nervous system (especially their mother) to co-regulate and develop. In gestation the foetus is attuned to their mother’s biorhythm and state of the nervous system. The new born’s brain development is dependent on their interaction with its environment. It is not “set” at birth.
  2. Early developmental trauma can have far-reaching impact on how one experiences life and what kind of citizen the person becomes. When the young child develops secure attachment with primary caretakers who are present and emotionally attuned for the child, the child develops into a happy, balanced, and empathetic person. Such a person is far less likely to cause harm to anyone in the society.
  3. One to two years of full and partial paid leave for new parents is offered in many countries in the world? Such as in Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Hungury, Romania…. However, this is not the norm in the world….