“Dying to be Me” (“死過一次才學會愛”) available at i-Detox

Redefining Cancer, Disease, Life and Death…

On the 2nd of February 2006, Anita Moorjani, who had late stage cancer of the lymph, was rushed to the hospital. Her organs were shutting down and she was given hours to live. To everyone’s surprise, she came round after 36 hours in coma, and she started to heal rapidly. In less than three weeks, no cancer cell could be detected in her body. Her recovery has completely defied all medical knowledge.

During her coma, she was drifting in and out of another dimension of reality, and her senses were heightened. She experienced overwhelming love and bliss, and she was given the choice to live or move on. In was in her heightened awareness that she realized the real cause of her disease, and the reason why people get sick or do not experience happiness. She chose to come back and live again, and live with her new found wisdom.


A few years after her NDE (Near Death Experience), her book “Dying to be Me”  (published by Hay House) was released and became an instant best-seller.  Since then she has been touring the world giving talks to large audiences, sharing the stage with world class inspirational speakers and authors like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, and so on.


Her book has since been translated into 32 languages.


Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to be Me” (both English and Chinese versions) will become available at i-Detox starting 20th August 2013.

Click here to read about Anita’s book signing appearance