Breathwork & Breathing Education
Our founder Anita Cheung had her first healing experience in breathing training more than 20 years ago before becoming a health practitioner. As an asthmatic at the time, she was greatly impressed how the practice of Buteyko breathing method originating from Russia greatly improved her condition.
After learning a wide array of healing modalities, Anita rediscovered breathwork and has been trained globally with three institutions since 2019 in breathwork. While certain breathwork practices may offer very potent transformative healing effect, Anita incorporates breathing education in practically ALL of her healing and coaching session, as breath is fundamental for our survival and for resourcing the nervous system for any healing to take place.
Her facilitation of breathwork has evolved through the years as she deepened her training in somatic-based therapies and with observing her clients’ responses. Her focus is always safety and potency, in that order.
A potent and transformational complement to Anita’s breathwork is systemic constellation and we offer regular workshops where one may experience both.