Bioresonance+ Health Consultation

Quantum Age Comprehensive Health Analysis

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.”

Albert Einstein

Quick Results . Personalised . Surpass Industry Standards

Tired of paying so much and having no actionable solutions to improving your health?

Want to be proactive about your holistic health?

Our signature multi-dimensional health scan is bio-resonance based AND also available remotely (across space) with latest quantum information field technology.
While you might have consulted or are still consulting other practitioners such as conventional medicine specialist, functional medicine doctor, chinese medicine doctor, or naturopath, which do not conflict with what we offer, chances are their work with you have been focused on the physiological level of your multi-dimensional body.
What we cover goes beyond the physiological level of the body. See our multi-dimensional approach.
And you will leave with actionable and targeted solutions.

What is Bio-resonance in a nutshell…

The bioresonance technology we use is a well established technology from Germany, invented by Nobel prize nominee Paul Schmidt, used by thousands of progressive naturopathic and medical practitioners. The technology affirms the existence of ancient energy systems including the Hindu chakra system and Taoist meridian system. These energy systems give rise to the physical body as per quantum physics understanding. Bioresonance is an alternative diagnostic tool based on bio-physics principles. It is not to replace bio-chemical based medical diagnostics. Since energy precedes matter, bioresonance analysis may be used along medical diagnostics and give additional or preventative insight.  One can detect imbalance in the biofield level long before it is manifested in the physical level.

What can you do with bio-resonance?

Not all “bioresonance” devices are created equal. The practitioner’s knowledge and understanding can have a lot to do with what one can do with the same device. Our clients regard our bioresonance analysis service to be:
  1. Affordable and comprehensive health scanning giving comprehensive insight on one’s holistic health, including psychological and bioenergetic
  2. Useful for preventive scan and it shows tendencies of imbalance and can alert one to do medical tests to confirm the issue
  3. Very valuable in evaluating health products that resonate, so one can really focus on what is truly needed and save on unnecessary expenditure on health products
  4. Useful for understanding one’s food tolerances and giving valuable pointers in making dietary changes
  5. Effective in receiving harmonisations (vibrational “treatments”) either at our premises or in the comfort of their home while they sleep, saving time and money
  6. Powerful in getting education on mind-body connection and understanding higher causes of physical symptoms

Health Scan and Harmonisations from a Distance…

  • We employ the TimeWaver® PDA system, developed by contemporary innovator and consciousness professor Marcus Schmieke from Germany, which is an advanced non-linear quantum system that allows us to scan across broader spectrum of our multi-dimensional body to find the deepest root causes, beyond what bioresonance can cover
  • Our multi-dimensional approach and the modalities we practise allow us to address root causes of all levels (see our founder’s page to see the breadth and depth of what we can cover) and work with you to effect shifts in the information and consciousness field that goes BEYOND space-time
  • Our technology allows us to work with anyone in the world not just for analysis but also for automated harmonisations sent intermittently over a period of time (e.g. 4-5 weeks), through the information field, which transcends space-time and the biofield.
Click here to see what we have helped with our powerful multi-dimensional approach

Why healthy people are also using bioresonance and frequency-based wellness technologies?

Take Charge of Your Health and Performance

Paul Schmidt and quantum scientists have found and confirmed that the progression of physical disease follows a predictable path, originating from the non-physical levels, and one can detect imbalances on the (subtle) biological information field(s), or even further back, before imbalances manifest as physical and psychological dysfunction.

The bioresonance technology we use at iLiving not only detects but also generates the frequencies to restore balance by entraining our body to vibrate in optimal harmony – similar to how one tuning fork will follow another vibrating tuning fork when they are placed next to each other, or how the sun energy causes our skin to produce melanin. The principle behind is also similar to the time-tested healing practices of acupuncture and Chi-gong.

You can use bioresonance technology to:

  • Mitigate negative effect of electro-magnetic frequencies from urban living
  • Support processing of daily emotional and mental stresses and thus prevent energetic stagnation (as well understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine principles)
  • Detect and mitigate effect of geopathic stress from the environment
  • Detect and mitigate negative effect of food allergies
  • Prevent chronic inflammation and early degeneration which contributes to illness 
  • Verify health product compatibility and make more targeted choices and only use what really resonates with you (and the specific purpose you intend to use it for) and is thus likely to be effective

Typical Bioresonance and TimeWaver® Analysis Inclusions:

  • Compatibility of supplements and health products brought by the client
  • Food tolerance (and common allergen) test of approx 170 items by bioresonance <optional>
  • Influence of common stressors: electro-magnetic radiation, geopathic influences, pathogens, toxicity such as from heavy metals and environmental toxins etc
  • Vitality of major physiological organ systems, metabolism, ATP, cell degeneration etc.
  • Balance of Chakra (stepdown energetic vortexes corresponding to our major endocrine glands and organs, and indicators of body-mind-spirit wellbeing, emotional patterns and likely behaviours that affect wellbeing)
  • Balance of Meridian (nervous system signalling information highway regulating the physical body and carrying emotional information)
  • Psychosomatics 
  • Emotional, mental, environmental and spiritual factors to the presenting issue(s)
  • Optional information field analysis with quantum technology TimeWaver® PDA supporting life goals (covering social health, financial health etc)
  • Multi-dimensional TimeWaver® harmonisations for 4-8 weeks (that you receive from the information field without any special equipment)
  • Explanation which includes lots of insights in understanding real root causes of physical symptoms and how these might have developed <This is usually what our clients appreciate the most as they would say no one else has ever made it clear to them.>

Recommendations and Action Plan:

After assessment, recommendations are made according to priorities. Some individuals are recommended use of supplementations and essential oils as priority and others are recommended integrative healing, family constellation, lifestyle changes, increasing mindful physical movements (to name a few) to be more priority. Each person’s action plan is UNIQUE to them. 

Every cell in the body is made of energy and resonates at a particular frequency. Bioresonance is technology that measures these frequencies to identify any disturbances that may be caused by toxins, viruses, allergens, electro-magnetic pollution and other factors. 

In the mid 1970s, Paul Schmidt in Germany discovered that not only does the sunlight’s frequency spectrum impact the body, but so too do other frequencies, and went on to study their effects using a passive dipole-antenna system. He was nominated for Nobel Prize. 

The bioresonance technology developed by Paul Schmidt is ONE of the systems we use, especially focused on physical health balancing. We also use the full set of Timewaver system founded by quantum physicist, philosopher (and ex-monk) Marcus Schmieke to allow for quick and comprehensive analysis and harmonisation on higher level root causes, and for working with anyone across space. 

Our body of “matter” is made up of cells are made of billions of atoms which vibrate. Every cell in the body resonates at a particular frequency which takes the form of an electromagnetic field. Groups of cells in an organ or system have multiple frequency patterns which are unique and harmonious with the bigger system making up the whole body.

Double-blind studies have been done that show Rayonex bioresonance biofield harmonisation portable devices optimises cellular ATP (increasing by 45%) and accelerate wound healing, and bioresonance harmonisation effectively treats chronic pain. 


About 168+ items. You can also bring your own items to test.

Without ordering a food tolerance test, in all bioresonance analysis, if food intolerance is relevant, you can expect to be advised on the most common intolerances checked – dairy, wheat, peanut and shellfish. 


Bioresonance testing is based on frequency resonance, and it tests on the biophysical level, not the biochemical level. 

Even if you have never eaten a certain food, we can find out if it “resonates” with you. You can also see whether the food strengthens you, it is neutral, or stressing you, or seriously stressing you.  

Clients often find results from Bioresonance tests echos their other tests, but they may also get new information on what may be stressing them but not to the level that can show up as allergy. 

How we use Bioresonance technology is to look at from 360 degree all the factors that can compromise the ideal expression of who your body can be. As we know over 95% of our genes are not decoded yet. So genetic tests can only test that which scientists have identified. What is more interesting to us, and what we can do something about is to learn what turns on and off our genes – what “information” we give our genes – toxins, type of food, electro-magnetic radiation, geopathic stress and our emotional and mental stress could be constantly feeding unsupportive information to our genes. Science has been suggesting that all these affect our genetic expressions.  

In short, we are more interested in what affects genetic expression than genetic programming. If genetic programming is the blueprint of a building, genetic expression is the actual realisation of the building. Our test is likely to complement with what find from DNA test and give you a fuller picture. 

Not everyone we see would require a comprehensive bioresonance food test. You may have done a recent food “allergy” test and found that to be sufficient. 

But do you know the difference among food “allergy”, “sensitivity” and “intolerance”? Find out here.

What we see with bioresonance is not just what you “can” eat or “cannot” eat, but we also suggest what foods you need to eat more of, and what less of, even though you may not be “allergic” to them. 

Since what we eat everyday is information to our cells and DNA, determining how our body functions, how we age, how our brain and nervous system works, even how we think and feel. That’s why we think bioresonance food test provides quite useful information. 

Anita Cheung, our founder, award winning complementary health practitioner is the chief practitioner of bioresonance at iLiving. 

Anita also supervises bioresonance testing performed by her assistant practitioner(s). 

Comprehensive Food Test with health coaching

Testing approx 170 items including Western and local food types

Time required: about 15 mins to drop off saliva sample and return a few days later to get your results and ask your questions – about 30 mins or less depending on your need

Bioresonance and TimeWaver® Comprehensive Analysis with Product Recommendations and Harmonisations

May include basic food test of a few common allergens

Time required: approx 1.5 h – 2 h total divided into two sessions, with a few days in between where the main analysis is done and screen recording will be shared with the client in the second session where you return to discuss the findings, receive coaching and some healing facilitation (if relevant)

NOTE: To save you time, we only require your saliva sample to perform time-consuming detailed analysis. Most clients require two visits – the first visit is to leave their saliva sample and see demonstration and discuss their goals. 

Please inquire for further information. 

Yes. We usually work with client’s saliva sample, even dry sample, as we are assessing based on frequency. And this way of working saves you time. 

We have worked with pets, babies, children, or anyone who is too busy to come or does not prefer to come, or lives overseas, by using their saliva sample.

Starting 2022 we have also started to incorporate German patented Information Field technology TimeWaver® PDA, which allows us to work with anyone from anywhere, with or without saliva sample. <Prior to this our founder Anita Cheung who is well-versed in accessing the consciousness and information field has long been performing the analysis through extensive radiesthesia, which is a manual process.>

In ancient Chinese and Taoist tradition, “superior medicine” is preventative instead of reactive. Ancient doctor-healers were compensated for having done their job by preventing their patrons from falling sick.

Western medicine is well suited for emergencies and is based on material science. It has its important place. 

We use Bioresonance technology to assess the (subtle) biophysical level of your multi-dimensional body system, which PRECEDES and regulates the physical level function. As such, our bioresonance assessment is NOT to be used as medical diagnosis. The analysis function can be used to help you detect developing tendencies and take proactive actions. And the harmonisation function (of Bioresonance Rayonex) works like homeopathy and is completely safe. 

Bioresonance does not conflict with what you do with conventional medicine because the two approaches do not work on the same level. 

Certainly! And you do not need to bring your animal companion to our premises. We just need a saliva sample of the animal. From the assessment pet owners can get clarity about the feed and health products they use on their pet, and they can also have a customised at-home harmonisation for the pet created from the assessment. 

Contact us for details.

What Our Clients Say

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What's Next after Initial Consultation

Take the Recommended Actions

which may include:
  • Making some dietary changes
  • Making some lifestyle changes
  • Receiving bioresonance harmonisations at our premises OR rent or purchase a home model to receive treatment in the comfort of your home while you sleep
  • Learn about other DIY self healing options
  • Work with our founder for more root cause healing
  • Work with our team on recommended modalities
Monitor your progress with a revisit in 3 – 6 weeks