
“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.”

~ Hippocrates

Our chief practitioner Anita Cheung integrates multiple modalities in her coaching and healing. We have also carefully curated a select team of practitioners who share our integrative and empowering approach that we work with to provide the most time and cost effective healing support.

After your first intake session (as short as 30 mins) with our founder Anita Cheung, you will be suggested a clear road map with relevant modalities supporting your specific intention and goal.

Application of essential oils (concentrated volatile plant substances) for wellness & healing purposes. Our unique approach to applied aromatherapy is we validate our assessment and recommendations with Bioresonance technology, ensuring what we recommend is really what you need. Quality of essential oils used is essential. You may also bring your own essential oils to be tested. 
Offered by:
Anita Cheung
Using essential oils to easefully process painful or limiting emotions and in anchoring new beliefs – where we process emotions and olfactory signals is the same area in our brain.
Offered by:
Anita Cheung
Non-invasive health care technology from Germany that is used for humans and animals for nutritional and health assessment, assessment of physical and psychological states, early detection of disease tendencies, and restorating balance with tailor-made frequencies, sharing similar principles as homeopathy, chinese acupuncture, reiki etc.

Offered by:

Anita Cheung and team

Our breath is fundamental to our vitality and survival, even more so than food and hydration. And yet most of us have not been taught how to do this properly. 

While breathing is an autonomic function, it is the only autonomic function that we can consciously change.

Conscious breathing can be practised for increasing stress resilience, mental clarity, better sleep, even for cravings control and easier weight loss. 

Conscious breath education is often incorporated our health coaching session, which includes somatic awareness education, and/or part of a healing breathwork session. 

Offered by:

Anita Cheung

Healing Breathwork as practised by us has been inspired by “Rebirthing”, Biodynamic Breathwork for Trauma Release and Shamanic Breathwork, which involves  guided circular breathing that facilitates a potent expansive effect of the client’s (nervous) system, often accompanied by experience of altered state of consciousness. 

With the strong resource of breath, trauma memories that are otherwise hard to access including pre-verbal trauma (such as birth trauma and early childhood), sexual trauma, or simply chronic stress and tension that contribute to constrictions in the body can be released.

We take great care in adapting the practice to ensure it is resourcing and safe. 

All sessions (private or group) are facilitated like an inner journey, with carefully curated music, optional live drumming, and integration phase at the end, ensuring the client leaves the session optimally balanced, avoiding the pitfalls of de-stabilising effect of some breathwork practices.

As a proactive practice, breathwork can also be practised without any known “trauma” but as a way to resource and increase life force (“Chi” is breath), access altered state of joy and peace. 

Offered by:

Anita Cheung 

Oesteopath developed light touch therapy relieving tension from neck and spine, restoring normal functions of the nervous system, restore spinal integrity, relief mental stress, boost learning and cognitive abilities etc.

Offered by: Please inquire

Support whole body especially the liver to neutralise and remove toxins (metabolic and external) with dietary changes and nutritional supplements etc

Offered along with bioresonance food test and analysis and TimeWaver quantum information field analsyis, the detoxification programme is entirely individualised. 

Offered by:

Anita Cheung and team

Tapping on meridian points with verbal guidance to facilitate emotional processing, healing and personal growth. A proven technique that we use in our health coaching and healing session, often integrating other somatic resourcing and transformative techniques for more permanent effect. 

Offered by:
Anita Cheung
Family Constellation is a systemic healing process which considers life and living system as a whole. It was discovered and developed first by Bert Hellinger, German therapist and philosopher. It is a process that reveals hidden root causes of health and life challenges with trans-generational source, usually below conscious level, and for supporting profound personal transformation; Dr Klinghardt, MD, PhD, has found that 50% of root causes of diseases can be addressed with Family Constellation
We consider Family Constellation under the umbrella term “Systemic Work”, because family is only one of the living systems we are a part of. All living systems operate from some common systemic principles, including business organisations and societal systems. 
Offered by:
Anita Cheung

Everyone can use health coaching. Health coaching can give further on-going support after the bioresonance assisted health and nutrition consultation where you gain clarity about where you stand in your health and wellness, or it can stand alone. 

Your health coach can guide you in how to prepare food and other practical lifestyle changes you can make, and hold you accountable compassionately.

We can help to create your own coaching programme with our team and collaborators to include coaching on different areas of your life. 

Originating from chiropractic practice, non-invasive integrative and consciousness healing that uses muscle testing for dialogue with body’s innate wisdom. 
Offered by:
Anita Cheung
or others (please inquire)

Neurodynamic Therapy focuses on the nervous system’s relationship to the musculoskeletal system. It is a gentle and structured approach to address root cause of pain and compromised movement. Neurodynamic Therapy at iLiving is integrative and a a typical session assessing one’s posture and movement patterns, applying manual therapy to the skin surface to mobilise the nerves, and may include recommendation of specific exercises. The nervous system is retrained overtime at a more balanced baseline.
As this integrative approach typically addresses the root cause of pain and movement limitations, long-term repeat sessions are usually unnecessary—unless the underlying cause extends beyond the physical nervous system level, in which case other interventions provided by iLiving may be beneficial.

Please inquire for more details.

(3rd Generation)
The art and science of communication, self management, high performance & personal growth
Offered by: Anita Cheung
Discover your deficiencies and food tolerances by bioresonance testing and get recommendation on food and professional quality supplements personalised for you.

Get personalised meal planning and coaching.
Offered by:
Our team trained by founder 

Quick belief change technique incorporating NLP and kinesiology principles. 

Offered by:
Anita Cheung

Qigong (Chi Gong) literally means the practice (Gong) of energy (Qi or Chi).

“Qi” is the life force energy that permeates all conscious living systems on the quantum level and it responds to our intention.

Qigong can be a very safe and gentle practice involving slow and conscious movements anyone can learn to do.

Qigong can also be used as a non-touch energy healing modality that supports any health condition.

Inquire with us about:

– joining a group class with trial price

– self practice small group classes (for adults and children)

– private one-on-one instruction

– energy healing

Offered by:

Lawrence Tse

Promote alignment, immunity and cellular detox with specific essential oils applied on the spine and feet, both energising and relaxing.
Complement non-invasive healing of conditions such as chronic pain, scoliosis etc. 


Offered by: please inquire

With the healing tones of alchemy crystal bowls and/or Himalayan Crystal Bowls, restore vibrational harmony of the human living system and achieve full body-mind-spirit balance. 

Private or bespoke small group sessions available. 

Offered by:

Anita Cheung and others

Or public classes see our event page

(Coaching and/or Constellation)
Zoom out, discover root cause of challenges on any “system” – family, organisations, teams…. systemic approach being used on coaching and/or constellation method


Offered by:
Anita Cheung

Somatic Education is the process of awakening awareness of the human body to sense and feel and freeing the body as a subject perspective rather than being objectified. Noticing the “felt sense” has immediate grounding and centring effect. 

Disassociation often takes place with traumatic experiences. Somatic work supports the individual to get out of the mind and reconnect with the body and its felt sense.

Many practices such as yoga, Qigong, breathwork etc when practised with awareness help the individual to “come back to the body”, to create safety and presence, which is essential to holistic wellbeing as well as providing foundation for deep healing and self discovery. 

For general wellbeing, you are also welcome to attend our Mind Body Experiential activities. 

For trauma healing, you are recommended to see one of our therapists. 

In your initial session with our founder Anita Cheung, you will receive somatic education and learn valuable self resourcing tools for self practice. From there an integrative healing plan can suggested based on your needs and budget.

To specifically work somatically you may also book to see Fanny Ko in your first session. 

Developed by psychiatrist and trauma expert with 40 years of experience Dr. Peter Levine, a gentle yet powerful psychobiological method for restoring resilience of the nervous system, resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress.

“Trauma” here referring not the event but to the result of failure of the body and the nervous system to process adverse events, such as emotional abuse, neglect, accidents, medical procedures, natural disasters, birth process, sexual abuse, ongoing fear and conflict, etc

Offered by: please inquire
Developed in the 1980s by Rev Robert Detzler, counsellor and ordained minister, a non-religious system which connects with one’s “High Self” and involves using dowsing and detailed charts in researching the subconscious mind (which includes  the quantum memory storage of past life and multiple levels of consciousness) to discover blockages and limitations holding one back in any areas of life – finances, romance, personal development, relationships etc, and transmuting the conflicting information by engaging direct help from one’s Higher Self and the Source. It is a powerful modality that can help in situations not solved by other methods, for for individuals who are open to “soul” level healing. 
Offered by:

The full Timewaver® system, developed by German innovator Marcus Schmieke and team consists of:

TimeWaver Frequency: A microcurrent frequency device for wellbeing and vitality and for programming personalised frequency programmes to run on portable devices Timewaver® Home and Healy.

TimeWaver Pro/PDA: A quantum wellness and personal development tool as well as a tool for systemic business consulting that works across the information field (does not require physical visit)

TimeWaver Cardio: A professional device for measuring the pulse wave and computing heart rate variability (HRV).

Offered by:
Anita Cheung
The Yuen method draws on ancient Chinese healing wisdom from the Shaolin Temple and blends with western understanding of energetic technique and quantum physics.

Frequently Asked Questions