Holistic Life Coaching

Being resilient, creative and resourceful in creating the next phase of your life...

career_change_goldfishAre you equipped to adapt well in our world?

Our world is experiencing changes never before seen in history. 

Many ways of making a living have suddenly vanished. 

Uncertainties increase also as technological advances replacing many traditional jobs.

Even those who are in a “good job” are poor in time and poor in human connection, their valuable assets.

Have you wondered why what matters most in life you never learnt?  Such as:

  • how to be healthy and have a clear mind
  • how to have a resilient nervous system
  • how to access your emotional power
  • how to have authentic and powerful human connection
  • how to experience joy and fulfilment in whatever that you do
  • how to use and trust your inner guidance
  • how to come up with creative solutions to problems
  • how to handle change in life

What are you passionate about? What is your soul purpose? 

Have you been feeling like you are selling your soul out and that something inside you is dying?  When was the last time you felt “joy”? Have you been neglecting your health and wellbeing?

Or perhaps you have wondered how you can transfer your current skills to transition into a new meaningful career that truly fulfills you?

Do you know what you are good at? What the world needs now that you can provide? What problems can you solve so that you can get paid for solving them? 

Being a veteran in the wellness and personal development field and having undergone a lot of challenges being a pioneer, our founder Anita Cheung has often been asked to share about her journey on her continuous transformation. After leaving the fashion industry exhausted and unwell after 13 years, and without a definite plan of how she was to re-establish herself in a new and more relevant way of living for herself, she has gone through a long and winding journey overcoming many challenges to establish herself in a new meaningful career. And just around another 13 years in the wellness industry, she has yet again overcome numerous challenges and reinvented herself and her organisation to be an even fuller expression of her purpose.

Such experiences have been extremely useful in developing resourcefulness, resilience, self awareness and leadership.

This coaching service has been created for you if you are looking for compassionate and non-judgemental support from someone who understands what you are going through and who might help you shorten your learning curve in your life transition/transformation*.

*In Anita’s words,

“We may think we need a ‘transition’, which means we are moving from point A to point B, and we know where we are going to and where we will end up. But in reality you might be going through a ‘transformation’, in which you have little to no idea what you will become and where you will end up – like a caterpillar who has to completely allow itself to break into pieces to become the butterfly it was meant to be. This dropping of identity and everything we have been holding onto as familiar can be extremely scary. It feels like DEATH in fact. Yet our world is making it harder and harder for us to hide behind our fears and false sense of security. Our challenges are calling us to come ALIVE and live our true purpose. The longer we wait to live our truth, the harder it is to become. There’s no better time than NOW to live your authentic truth….I wish I had a coach who would guide me and shorten my learning curve in my life transformation. It is my hope that my integrative coaching and healing can do that for people in the process of awakening to their soul purpose….”

Read Anita’s bio here >>>

Anita’s coaching is often described to be “healing” and multi-dimensional. Read about Anita’s Integrative Healing, which complements Life Coaching in supporting your full self realisation.